Unconditional Acceptance with Fiona Redding

Unconditional acceptance is about accepting that what is, is.

Without feeling the need to judge, justify, defend, criticise or blame.

Acceptance is about accepting things as they are, not wishing that they were different, but simply learning to work with the present moment.

Acceptance is the space from which we can create the change -- when we can accept ourselves, our circumstances, our environment, other people - then we can learn to be and do and experience things differently.

Coping With Your Partner's Annoying Behaviors

We all have weird pet peeves that our partner's seem to always break the 'rules' on. Chewing too loud, not squeezing the toothpaste out of the tube correctly, leaving dirty clothes on the floor....the list goes on. These little things can create conflict in a relationship, especially over time. Listen to today's show to learn how to communicate with your partner, and not let small things annoy you. In this episode we discuss relationship advice topics that include:

Stop Arguing, Start Connecting

No one wants to be wrong. Two individuals often feel they can't both be 'right' when resolving conflict. Learning to hold the needs and feeling of both partners at the same time is a key element to relationship success. Listen to today's show to learn how to stop arguing and take your relationship from 'me' to 'we'. In this episode, we discuss relationship advice topics that include:

Core Values – What Matters Most in Your Relationship?

In your relationship, what values matter more to you than anything else?

If you haven't talked about it, you might not know.

Core values are a short list of the 3-6 things that matter most to you in your partnership.

These are principles that guide your decisions.

What would we choose over all other things?

Having a discussion about your values is an incredible way to find out what is important to your partner.